Hi my name is Matt Phillips Low Cost Real Estate Agent with Century21. My Full Service Real Estate team services the entire Durham Region all the way from Pickering to Bowmanville. We sell homes faster and for top dollar. We offer the lowest commission rate in Durham Region|GTA. Our 1% Listing Fee (plus fee to co-op broker) will get you full service and include everything that other brand name brokers provide. We offer the best videography in the industry and blast it all over social media and 1000's of websites! Our marketing plan is arguably the best in Durham Region.
Contact to day for a free market evaluation to see exactly how much money we can save you! Below is a few homes that we have recently sold. The Sellers all saved Thousands of dollars in commissions and set new records for highest sale prices in the area. We have over a 250,000 buyers in our database. Closing in on 600 sold homes and over 50 years combined experience our team knows what it takes to get your home sold fast and for more (at a low 1% commission). Below is 3 Ajax Ontario Homes we have sold this spring. The Sellers at 5 Skelton Cres sold and saved over $13,000 and set a new record on their model for highest sale! Our Sellers at 7 Skelton Sold And Saved over $12,000 in commission with our low cost | full service selling system. Don't throw your money at high priced realtors! We can get the job done faster,easier and for more!
Call or text 905.435.5800 To List or Buy! Or For Questions Online Click Here
For a map of our service area please click here. Outside of our service area we may still be able to help! We Service Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Brooklin, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newcastle, Port Perry And Uxbridge.
Search 1000's of Listings On My Web Site Here.
To List or Buy
905-435-5800 OR matt.phillips@century21.ca

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